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Flatt.etal:2007 Flatt, Robert J.; Steiger, Michael; Scherer, George W. (2007): A commented translation of the paper by C.W. Correns and W. Steinborn on crystallization pressure. In: Environmental Geology, 52 (2), 187-203, 10.1007/s00254-006-0509-5
Flatt.etal:2008 Flatt, Robert J.; Scherer, George W. (2008): Thermodynamics of crystallization stresses in DEF. In: Cement and Concrete Research, 38 (3), 325–336, Webadresse
Flatt:2002 Flatt, Robert J. (2002): Salt damage in porous materials: how high supersaturations are generated. In: Journal of Crystal Growth, 242 (3), 435-454, Webadresse
Flatt:2008 Flatt, Robert J. (2008): Salt damage in porous materials: how high supersaturations are generated. In: Journal of Crystal Growth, 242 (3), 673-675, Webadresse